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Ethical-Hacking with Android Series #Introduction

What is Android ?

Android is an Operating system for mobile devices and it is based on Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This is Android!. an then lets talk about the hacking a little bit.


Hacking can be describe as kind of activity of compromising digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks. And also hacking can not be always done for malicious purposes, the bad guys that use the method in an unlawful way are called cybercriminals not Hackers! and those are motivated by financial gain, protest, information gathering (spying), and even just for the “fun” of the challenge.the good hackers are Ethical Hackers, those conduct hacking for Educational Purpose or penetration testing with the knowledge of the victim.

Tool that we are going to use and Install on our Android Phones to begin Hacking!

Introducing Termux Android Hacking App the best Android Hacking App. Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically – additional packages are available using the APT package manager.
Who Develop Termux Android Hacking App?:

A similar Third Party developer called Anonymous has developed a Linux-self contained App called Termux which is used to install Linux based apps in Android and helps in running pure Linux apps in Android.

What is Termux Hacking App?

Termux combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection. Commands to use in Termux App. Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works with no rooting or setup required and powerful terminal access to Android.

Features of Termux Hacking Application
Termux is primarily a command-line environment. Termux uses the same package installer as found in Kali, Debian, Ubuntu, and related Linux distros. Advanced Packaging Termux Tools is used to find, install, and remove software in Termux.

How to install Termux

you can watch this video

Now the best Termux app is not supported in google play store, so note if you download Termux from play store, it will not work as you need. the best Termux Version you can only get it on fdroid using this link >

This is the latest version of Termux, so just install it, update and upgrade that`s all you are ready to use it.

How to update and Install any package on Termux Android Hacking App (Basic commands).

To Update you can use the command

apt- get update

to upgrade

apt upgrade Or pkg update

to Update type

pkg upgrade

The Key to Download any kind of Tool in Termux
If you want to download (clone) a tool in Termux you have to install git which is the package that can recognize git repository and clone it so in order to install a package (tool) you just need to go to your Browser and type gitclone is a key word to tell your browser that you want to clone some repository followed by the name of the tool example git clone Virus4 it would show you a GitHub site at the first you just have to enter the first one,
Mostly every tool has readme that is the guide to the tool (manual) they would tell you the use of the tool and how to install it plus the cloning link
You just have to follow the guide in order to clone the tool. I will going to guide you through so don`t worry you can watch the video in each post for better understanding. Below is the video if you visit Youtube please Subscribe to my channel, Thank You.

Video Demo



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Young IT Expert CEO Sadeeq Technologies and a former student of Informatics Academy. Now a Web/App Developer by Profession, Penetration Tester by Passion and Linux Administrator by Interest.
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